Magic Flute, Feature for DLR

The Magic Flute and Christmas appear to be a good match. Santa Claus here, Sarastro the Priest there, magic and chimes everywhere, and love, faith and hope play a major role in both scenarios. The plot of "The Magic Flute" has the charm of a Christmas tale, and yet, it has much more to it. When Mozart wrote his last opera in 1791, he had been through a full, adventurous, and sometimes sad life. Accordingly, the Magic Flute addresses complex questions of social order and morality, as well as aspects of the Enlightenment which was underway in Europe, leading to the overthrow of old power structures. A few days ago, Georg Hirsch visited a Christmas-bedecked New York, where he saw a performance of the Magic Flute at the Met. His interview partners included German baritone Matthias Goerne, who gave himself a big Christmas gift with his debut at the Metropolitan Opera.

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