Coolidge Auditorium

The American capital, Washington, D.C., is a place radiant with power, but for a long time, it had no importance in the music world. One of the best places for people with a craving for culture was the Library of Congress, which had its Bi-Centennial this year. The largest library in the world has yet another round anniversary to celebrate this year. 75 years ago, it was amended by a concert auditorium, which meant a big step away from cultural insignificance. The Coolidge Auditorium, named after its donor Eliabeth Sprague Coolidge, was soon to become a place for experiments in contemporary music. It was particularly chamber music that flourished at Coolidge Auditorium, where works by Schoenberg, Bartok, Aaron Copland, and other famous composers have been given their world premiere over the past three quarters of a century. Georg Hirsch has the story.

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